We don’t do it often… but when a topic so fitting comes up we just get together and chat about it.  Yesterday a well known author wrote an article that stated basically “security gets in the way of having fun on the Internet”.  This topic is close to us as we all focus on education and security. Enjoy the chat… March 20, 2013


Special Edition March 2013 – Should we even bother educating our employees? March 20, 2013

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Check out the Innocent Lives Foundation to help unmask online child predators.

Show Notes

What is social engineering
This is a special edition of the Social-Engineer.Org Podcast.  Why?  We read this blog post from Bruce Schneier and decided we just couldn’t stay quiet.  He claims that educating through security awareness programs is a waste of time and money and that (quote) “I personally believe that training users in security is generally a waste of time and that the money can be spent better elsewhere” as well as “computer security is an abstract benefit that gets in the way of enjoying the Internet.”
So at the risk of ruining the fun Internet for our employees and clients we decided to have a little chat about this topic and discuss security education from the trenches….
We invited special guest Ben0xA on to talk with us about this very important topic and his blog post
And if you want to, you can read Bruce’s blog mess here:  http://www.darkreading.com/blog/240151108/on-security-awareness-training.html